Intersectionality of Design and Accessibility Conformance

Speaker: Matthew Luken Join Matthew Luken of Deque Systems for an interactive session on the intersectionality of design practices and accessibility conformance. In digital accessibility, his research has found that 67% of defects can be reduced within the design discipline. Luken will help us explore where designers can make meaningful investments in ensuring their designs […]

Not Quite Pixar: An Introduction into Animation for Illinois Marketing

A good interview starts long before you press “record.” In this session, we’ll dive into techniques to level up your interviewing skills for print, video, podcasts, and more. Learn strategies to prepare effectively and establish rapport and comfort with interviewees. Discover tips for managing the flow of conversation from beginning to end and crafting questions that elicit engaging responses. We’ll also cover best practices for making the most of your interview content during editing, on the web, and on social media. Whether you’re a novice or have some experience under your belt, this session will offer valuable insights for everyone.

Building Effective User Interfaces: A Figma Walkthrough & Design System Setup

Speaker: Courtney Fleegor Join a step-by-step walkthrough on how to leverage Figma, a collaborative tool for interface design, to bring your UI concepts to life. Designed for both beginners and those experienced with Figma, you will learn more about: This session is ideal for designers, developers, and product teams aiming to enhance their UI design […]

People who design using social media as a guide are missing key facts about graphic design

People who design using social media as a guide are missing key facts about graphic design. Those facts are the subtle nuances that make a design or a logo good versus great. For example, a subtle nuance like when to use a serif font versus a san serif font. That’s important because fonts have different voices and convey many meanings, feelings, and emotions. Social media is great at supplying a plethora of information. However, learning the tenants of graphic design such as contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity fill in the blanks greatly where social media lacks.

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