From Server to Screen: Elevating Web Performance with Custom Elements and SSR

Speaker: Cory Rylan How can we achieve lightning-fast websites without sacrificing rich interactivity? In this session, discover cutting-edge techniques that combine the best of server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side interaction for modern web experiences. We’ll explore how to leverage Custom Elements (Web Components) to build server-rendered UI components that work without JavaScript for the initial […]

So, You Want to Redesign Your Website…

Speakers: Rashmi Tenneti, Maggie Evenson, Stacy Billman Thinking about redesigning your website? This presentation is the perfect starting point! We’ll explore how tools like web analytics and project management can guide key decisions and ensure your redesign stays on track. With insights from our experience on some of the most visited websites on campus, you’ll […]

Streamlining Success: Partnering with Customers to Optimize Web Reviews

Speaker: Johnathan Grant Hey, web wizards! Ready to uncover the secrets behind a seamless web review process? Join us for an in-depth case study on how a dynamic University of Kansas team revolutionized their web review system by optimizing workflows and forging strong partnerships with their customers. This session will highlight the innovative techniques and […]

AI for website managers

A good interview starts long before you press “record.” In this session, we’ll dive into techniques to level up your interviewing skills for print, video, podcasts, and more. Learn strategies to prepare effectively and establish rapport and comfort with interviewees. Discover tips for managing the flow of conversation from beginning to end and crafting questions that elicit engaging responses. We’ll also cover best practices for making the most of your interview content during editing, on the web, and on social media. Whether you’re a novice or have some experience under your belt, this session will offer valuable insights for everyone.

Key Messaging Done Eas(ier)

Speaker: Chris Axtman-Barker University Housing worked to analyze resident opinion data to refine communications encouraging residents to live on campus for a second (or third, or fourth!) year. Data backed key messages then ran through communications and marketing materials for a digital-first returner campaign with startling success. The presentation will include follow up survey data.

Move It! Getting Started with Web Animation

This presentation would explore the power of animation in web design, showing how to bring static visuals to life to create more engaging and dynamic user experiences. You could share techniques and tools you use to animate assets, as well as examples of successful animations you’ve implemented in your projects.Takeaways: Attendees will gain insights into the principles of web animation, practical skills for implementing animations in their own projects, and the impact of motion on user engagement and retention.

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