
Maximize your brand’s reach! As a valued sponsor of the Illinois Web Conference, you’ll connect with industry leaders, gain recognition, and support an influential event that drives innovation in the digital world. Contact us at uofiwebcon@illinois.edu to inquire about sponsorship opportunities.

Free admissions to the conference.631
Promotion through monthly campus workshops from September through May.YesNoNo
Custom question during event registration to event attendees.YesNoNo
Your company promoted before each session.YesNoNo
Social hour naming opportunity.YesNoNo
Host virtual lunch conversation or activity.YesNoNo
Receive list of attendees' name, organization, title, email, and registered sessions.YesNoNo
Receive list of attendees' name, organization, title, and email.NoYesNo
Post up to 10 job openings on the Web Con job board from September through May.YesNoNo
Post up to 10 job openings on the Web Con job board from January through May.NoYesNo
Company logo in our promotional emails.YesYesNo
Social media promotion on LinkedIn, Instagram, and X.YesYesNo
Logo or video promo in virtual lobby.YesYesNo
Company logo on our conference website.YesYesYes
Virtual exhibitor page (with company profile, sponsor video, sponsor chat, and downloadable material).YesYesYes
Facetime with attendees through in-person conference social event.YesYesYes
Please select a sponsorship level.$3500$1500$500
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