Courtney Fleeger

User Experience Designer
College of Education

Session: Creating Accessible Emails
Time: April 4, 9:45 am

Courtney is a UX Designer for the College of Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. As a UX Designer, she applies user-centric design principles, methodologies, and techniques to develop interactive experiences for enterprise web applications, websites, and mobile apps. Courtney works closely with users, analysts, web designers, developers, writers, and quality assurance testers to develop application design specifications for the user interface as well as evaluate and test application usability and accessibility.

Courtney also volunteers on several committees, including the Website Implementation Guidelines Group (WIGG) Steering Committee, where she co-leads the WIGG Designers. She also is an Accessibility Liaison, volunteers on the Web Con Accessibility Committee, and is a working group member for the Application Development UX Standards group.

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