Communications & Marketing Program Coordinator
University of Illinois Extension
Session: “It’s Raining Cats and…Marketing Emails?”: Making Your Marketing Emails Personal with Drip Campaigns
Time: April 5, 2:45 pm
Anthony serves as the Extension Communications & Marketing Program Coordinator serving Grundy, Kankakee, & Will counties. In this role, he leads outreach efforts for the tri-county unit. His goal is to harness the power of the University of Illinois to bring change to the community through strategic efforts and great stories.Outside of his work with Extension, Anthony is an accomplished freelance journalist and science writer, with pieces appearing in Scientific American, Massachusetts General Hospital’s PROTO Magazine, and others.Anthony holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources with individualized study in Environmental Research & Informal Interpretation (i.e. Informal Communication) from Oregon State University. His specialty lies in interpreting research in impactful ways to inspire action and move toward a result.